It’s Time to Put Humanness Back at the Heart of Transformation Management
Introducing Transformation Playbook: A revolutionary three to six-month guided transformation process to take your corporate organization out of stagnation & welcome in a new, transformed company culture. Together, let’s put you and your people on a future-forward course.
Stop convincing, start inspiring
Leading your organization into a new era of growth is an exciting undertaking for any leader.
But oftentimes, ushering in this new era isn’t met with open arms. Instead of the collaborative hub – brimming with inspiration and creativity – you’d envisioned, you’re met with skepticism and passive resistance.
Getting your middle managers and employees on board your organizational transformation process is crucial to facilitating lasting change.
The solution isn’t a radical change program that puts more stress on the entire organization.
It’s transformation management.
- A process that goes beyond classic change management and combatting symptoms by cultivating a collaborative workplace culture rooted in empathy.
- Let’s spark a mindset shift among your people, to enable a culture transformation that puts you and your organization on a future-proof course.

A peek inside the Transformation Playbook program
The Four Pillars of Organizational Transformation

Your leadership team as the role model
It’s a big ask to expect your employees to change their behaviors and thinking patterns if you don’t first start with yourself and other key leaders they look up to. After all, humans both consciously and unconsciously mimic those around them. That’s why the leadership team is at the top of our transformation roadmap.

Communicate the Why.
It’s easy to assume that your people understand the “Why” behind your change efforts. But this often isn’t the case. When your workers don’t understand why change is being asked of them, it’s difficult for them to embrace it. Move from I to We with the help of a powerful transformation story that everyone can get behind.

Create psychological safety and trust.
If your people don’t feel safe to say what they truly want, and instead, keep potentially unpopular thoughts or feelings to themselves, it’s difficult to create lasting organizational transformation. What’s needed is an atmosphere in which people feel safe to discuss any topic – even the uncomfortable ones.

Enter with the right mindset.
You want different results? Then you and your managers need to think differently and open yourself up to the possibility that you don’t know everything already. Utilizing the beginner’s mind helps you to drop right and wrong, start listening, and approach transformation management with fresh and unbiased eyes.

»This is the exact framework my program Transformation Playbook follows. It’s the course correction for your entire organization that focuses on humans and culture transformation instead of spreadsheets and calculations.«
Peter Schmidt
Sparring Partner & Leadership Coach for Changemakers
After leading your organization through Transformation Playbook, you’ll ...
Grow a positive and innovative workplace culture
that fosters employee retention and leads to higher levels of performance.
Excel in your industry and enhance customer experience
through a shared purpose and reignited vision among the broader organization.Countless studies prove that mindfulness (and the neuroscience behind it) has incredible benefits for leadership and innovation.
Get inspired and driven employees
who feel committed to the organization and take more responsibility in contributing new ideas and thinking outside the box.
Build your reputation as a leader
so that new doors keep opening for you, your career, and your own personal growth.
Lead confidently from a place of inner connectedness
even if challenges present themselves, you’ll know you’re on the right track
So, how does transformation management work?
Phase 1
Setting the scene for organizational transformation
You and I kick off the journey by coming together, talking about the direction you want your transformation process to take, and fleshing out your specific goals.
Walk Away With
A clear destination in mind about where you’re heading over the next three to six months.
Phase 2
Retrieving the building blocks for your transformation roadmap
Next up, I conduct diagnostic interviews with all stakeholders. This helps me get a clear picture of what needs to shift and evolve to get you where you want to be. I organize the findings and put forward a personalized transformation roadmap.
Walk Away With
A roadmap that’s tailored to you and your company. Get a clear outline of the next steps so you can move forward with confidence in yourself and the transformation process.
Phase 3
Teaming & Strategizing with Leadership
This is where we get the leadership team into a creative dialogue to unearth any differences, work through conflict, and determine how to steer this transformation process together.
Walk Away With
All the senior managers and key influence leaders aligned and on board with transformation management initiatives.
Phase 4
Inspire & listen to middle management
Introduce, discuss and fine-tune the transformation roadmap with all managers. It’s about inspiring and onboarding, but also listening to them share where they might see blockages your higher level leaders don’t.
Walk Away With
A committed management team excited to implement your fine-tuned strategy.
Phase 5
Design the future together
The last missing puzzle piece is getting the broader organization behind you. In our transformation workshop, all employees come together. Instead of telling them how it’s done, you invite them to challenge the cornerstones and direction you want to take and co-create the final roadmap, together.
Walk Away With
A united organization with concrete concepts on how to implement transformation management in daily office life.
Phase 6
Action & learning from setbacks
Now it’s time to get back into your work environment to experiment, learn, and adjust. Setbacks are a natural part of any organizational transformation. Luckily, we can use them as stepping stones with the help of quick feedback loops and accompanied training. This helps us to iron out any kinks or bottlenecks.
Walk Away With
Tangible results and learnings, support to move forward, and a shared sense of willingness to keep at it.
More input to ensure this investment pays off for you & your team.
Learning Hubs
- Inspiring Keynotes from coaching and leadership experts in my network with a focus on human leadership, resilience, and performance to address any questions and spark inspiration.
- Co-facilitated group sessions to come up with concepts and prototypes.
Complimentary Mini-Trainings
on topics such as mindset, emotional well-being, and stress relief to enforce the new thinking and behavior patterns that make strong and resilient workers.
Dynamic Facilitation
to address and resolve conflicts right off the bat and use them to further bring people together to fuel the culture transformation.
This transformation management process is for you if…
- You have the task of leading your organization into a new era and want to do it the human way.
- You know you can’t fall back on quick fixes and want to aim for a culture transformation that sets the foundation for sustainable growth.
- You know that transformation management starts with you and needs a human-centric approach that doesn’t put pressure on people but invites them in.
- You already tried implementing new strategies but were faced with objections among your workers and doubts or feelings of overwhelm.
If we want to leverage our true potential, we need to feel safe to be ourselves, at all times. This is what human leadership is all about.
After working with many teams and organizations, I’ve realized that people tend to be more inclined – and happy – to jump on the bandwagon of change, once they feel included in the transformation process and understand why it matters in the grand scheme of things.
This is why I’ve created a framework that empowers the people in it and opens the door for everyone to join in and create a new, thriving, organization together.

»With his moderation style, Peter manages to connect the strengths of individual participants with those of the group, emphasize differences, point out conflicts, and use them as an opportunity. He succeeds time and again in helping us to see new aspects and new ideas by changing the perspective and encouraging workshop participants to break new ground. Peter not only knows how to stimulate the participants’ creativity by finding their inherent strengths but also how to transform points of friction and differences into creative solutions.«
Dr. Christiane Erbel
1. Vorsitzende ARWED e.V.
Frequently wondered questions on Transformation Playbook
Is there enough room to tailor this process to our needs?
There sure is. The structure I follow for organizational transformation gives us many opportunities. Depending on how much resistance we’re faced with within the organization, how much trust-building is needed and which topics matter the most, we can adjust the transformation roadmap to your unique needs.
I’m not sure, I can get my employees to join in. How will I know this works for us?
I get it, change can be a pain in the you-know-what. But you can’t sail this ship all by yourself, which is why it’s important to develop a clear framework and transformation narrative to get everyone on board first.
Your employees will have an easier time motivating themselves to join you in this process once they feel valued, included, and understand why these change efforts matter. Creating a transformation story and establishing a shared sense of purpose will go a long way when it comes to winning them over.
We haven’t had luck with bringing someone in from the outside so far. I’m worried it will only create more resistance and skepticism among employees.
That makes total sense. Many radical restructuring programs can stir up feelings of fear and uncertainty among employees, as they may not know if their jobs are safe.
Since this isn’t one of those radical change programs and I don’t equate change with letting people go, I’m keen to establish a genuine dialogue between you, your managers, and your employees. When you show them that they matter to you and that no one is left behind, they will be more likely to engage.
Will this process empower and enable us to solve similar challenges in the future by ourselves?
As your sparring partner, it is my intention to help you navigate organizational transformation in a way that empowers you to continue steering the transformation process on your own in the future. It's a learning journey with a clear intention – becoming more resilient as an organization.
We’ve had consultants come in before, with no sustainable results. What makes you different?
If past change programs have failed, it might have been because they operated on a superficial and technical level. Sometimes restructuring and letting people go can provide temporary relief. But you may need to dig deeper if you’re looking to create ripple effects within your organization and create lasting change.
That’s the principle of my work. Unearthing the potential that lives inside all of us by allowing ourselves to bring all of us to work and into the transformation process. Yes, including our stress, penned-up emotions, racing thoughts, doubts, anxieties etc. Because that’s the only way we can operate from our true power and create something genuine and new.
Do you also offer 1:1 support within this container?
Yes, I offer 1:1 leadership coaching within and outside this container. If you feel overwhelmed, doubtful, or unsure of what you’ve gotten yourself into, know that is to be expected. What shouldn’t be expected, is that you tackle this all by yourself.
This is the reason I’ve created this program so that leaders and changemakers have a trusted guide at their side to navigate these sometimes stormy waters together.
If you need more help identifying and overcoming hidden (and often unconscious) barriers that prevent you from making desired changes in your professional life, my 1:1 leadership coaching is for you.
Become the changemaker you want to see.
Impermanence is the number one denominator today. New regulatory changes, market disruptions, shifting customer trends – you name it. That’s why setting the right organizational foundation now is so important for thriving in this fast-moving world. It’s not just your organization that will change once you embark on this transformation management journey.
You’ll grow personally and professionally and generate a breathing space for yourself to tackle anything life or persistent skeptics throw at you with ease and empowerment. Even if you end up deciding this isn’t what you want – know that I’m rooting for you.
Transforming organizations to truly value and support their people and helping them thrive through future challenges, is an exciting and rewarding journey.
Good thing you’re already a changemaker and 100% capable of doing this.
In your corner,
Peter Schmidt